Heading towards Seeis

Heading towards Seeis
Peta took this picture as she saw them approach in the distance

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Day 16 Kang + another 160 Kilometers

Abe checked in at about 2pm - it is very very hot on the road! At that stage they wanted to do another 40km's to get to a cattle post where they will put up for the night. They have passed lone Tree.
Listen to this, this so exciting - a group of SA Students stopped to chat to them. Somehow they had read the BLOG and were on the lookout for them to offer them water.


  1. Dis ongelooflik!! Kan nie wag om al die stories te hoor nie! Gute pad!

  2. Yes, Abe was very excited about that! I just realised that they might be home this weekend- better start cleaning up and getting their room ready!!!!!
