Heading towards Seeis

Heading towards Seeis
Peta took this picture as she saw them approach in the distance

Friday, 2 December 2011

The last few days

Day 10'11'12 have been spent riding Through an interesting and different part of the country. They completed their trip through South Africa and headed into Botswana. Bray is basically the frontier town between SA and Bots. A small town well known for the annual Bray Horse Race. Werda is about 8 kilometers into Botswana. The Malopo river is the geographical border between Botswana and South Africa. It is one of the main rivers although it is not always flowing. During the rainy season it flows and generally floods but the most interesting part is that it connects up with the Orange River system and is actually considered to be part of the Orange River.
According to the plan Abe and Karin should have attempted the ride between Werda and Khakhea today - a distance of approximately 72 kilometers.
We really hope to hear from them soon. I wonder if the condition of the roads will slow them down?

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