Abe and Karin are hoping to cross into Namibia today if all goes well. Hope they got an early start and that it is not too hot!
This is coming to a close so quickly - not sure what I am going to do with myself not having them on my mind at just about every turn. The upside is though that they are doing great and they have had no mishaps - at least as far as we know?
Tonight they are staying at Eastgate on the Namibian side of the border. Apparently there is thunder and lightning in the air so they will stay put for now.
On the 20th of November 2011 my nephew and his girlfriend left Grahamstown on an epic bike ride to Windhoek. This ride covered more than 2000 km's, over three countries in 20 days. This is that story. Grahamstown, Bedford, Cradock, Middelburg, Hanover, Phillipstown, Orania, Hopetown, Kimberley, Warrenton, Vryburg, Ganyesa, Bray, Werda, Khakhea, Bulukubalo, Morwametsi, Kang, Thootsa, Buitepos, Gobabis, Witvlei, Seeis, Windhoek!
Heading towards Seeis
Peta took this picture as she saw them approach in the distance
Apparently they are 20km's from the Namibian border. Will speak to them soon and then we will have a proper update!
ReplyDeleteThey are doing so well!
Nearly home. Well done.