I hosted a dinner for about 16 of our close friends last night. We ate turkey, roast pork, Cauliflower with cheese sauce, roast potatoes and of course CRACKERS. So. I'm sorry but I need to share some silly cracker jokes: Why did the boy eat his homework? - because the teacher said it was a piece of cake. Where do you find a dog with no legs?- exactly where you left it! Why is the maths book so sad? Cause it has so many problems!
The real story though is, everyone arrived asking how the trip was going and where they are because they have all been checking the blog.
I told them that it looks as though Abe has been cycling in his slops! Well, that got everyone going.
On the 20th of November 2011 my nephew and his girlfriend left Grahamstown on an epic bike ride to Windhoek. This ride covered more than 2000 km's, over three countries in 20 days. This is that story. Grahamstown, Bedford, Cradock, Middelburg, Hanover, Phillipstown, Orania, Hopetown, Kimberley, Warrenton, Vryburg, Ganyesa, Bray, Werda, Khakhea, Bulukubalo, Morwametsi, Kang, Thootsa, Buitepos, Gobabis, Witvlei, Seeis, Windhoek!
Heading towards Seeis
Peta took this picture as she saw them approach in the distance
Amper by die huis! Sien julle volgende week! ..........en dan wil ons al die stories hoor!
ReplyDeleteKan nie wag nie! Hulle is in gobabis. Ons kan n lekker party hou en dan kan hulle alles vertel!