Heading towards Seeis

Heading towards Seeis
Peta took this picture as she saw them approach in the distance

Monday, 21 November 2011

About Cradock

Dutch Reformed "mother" Church
The Dutch Reformed Church is a national monument and was built in 1868 as a replica of St Martin-in-the-Fields in London. During the anglo-Boer War it was used as a lookout post by British soldiers.
Cradock lies on the banks of the Great Fish River. The Cradock Spa Sulphur Springs is a place one can visit - I wonder if that is like lolling around in an unsavoury wind?
The Dutch Reformed Church is a national monument and was built in 1868 as a replica of St Martin-in-the-Fields in London. During the anglo-Boer War it was used as a lookout post by British soldiers. 
Guy Butler who became Professor and Head of English at Rhodes University in Grahamstown comes from Cradock, Olive Schreiner used to work there "On An African Farm",  Reginald Koettlitz who was the senior medical officer on Scott's first Antarctic expedition is buried there and Harry Potter(1863-1910)..maybe not?
In 1812 a magisterial seat was declared on the farm Buffelskloof, owned by Pieter van Heerden. The position was strategically important during the frontier wars, and close to a sulpher spring - I wonder why that was strategic? Sir John Cradock, British Governor of the Cape decided to establish a town on the site and named it after himself in 1814 as so many Brits were want to do.
The Dutch farmers in the area of Cradock were dissatisfied with the British rulers of the area, and in the early 1830's began a major emigration northwards. These were the Voortrekkers and started what became the Great Trek now surpassed by The Groter Trek currently underway.


  1. Hello Abe and Karin!
    I know that today will go well too! Could not reach you per phone at about 18 30 last night but heard from Nikki that you guys were having supper at about 20 30 so knew all went well. Dr Chris van zyl in Vryburg is expecting you - very welcome to sleep over if you like- I will sms you his number.

  2. PS - not 2070km anymore - only 1872!!!!!!!!!
