Hi there dear family members, Karin here! firstly Collete thank you so much this blog is something special :)
Believe it or not we have made it to Orania in one piece, although my crancky knees and female bits disagree completely! I must admit the first day was a day I would not like to experience again. We had EVERY type of weather, and the the miggies ohh THE MIGGIES!!!! (all they wanted to do was sit on my eye balls, I discovered a vocab I never thought I had!! For lunch we just lay in a farmers driveway eating our RICE with our sporks (we should be sponsored by tastic) I think the ride we took to Cradock, I was most definitely high on enerjellies (we did 140km) That night we slept on a beautiful farm, WITH A BATH!!! now the problem with that was..... my ankles and my hands were burnt- so I found myself lying in the bath with all four limbs hanging outside the bath- (try imagine me getting out)- no good!!!! On the road to Middleburg we were stalked by a ballie on a Harley Davidson and a very sexy bandanna. He was planting four crosses on the furthest points of SA, which I thought was quite beautiful:) near Philipstown we had to start searching for a home for the night. Up until this point we were living like kings (we had entered Dutchman land, so my Xhosa sweet talking had reached its end) The first ballie turned us down- something about the vroutjie taking the high road- anyway on our second attempt we decided to be a bit more persistent- sommer started putting in the pegs!!! that night I found myself bathing in a blow up pool in the back garden :) we now sitting in Orania on the river- we have had a chance to have a good swim, now we get to sink our teeth into some braai vleis!- (NO RICE) lots of love from the both of us- we love the support we getting :) xx liefde
On the 20th of November 2011 my nephew and his girlfriend left Grahamstown on an epic bike ride to Windhoek. This ride covered more than 2000 km's, over three countries in 20 days. This is that story. Grahamstown, Bedford, Cradock, Middelburg, Hanover, Phillipstown, Orania, Hopetown, Kimberley, Warrenton, Vryburg, Ganyesa, Bray, Werda, Khakhea, Bulukubalo, Morwametsi, Kang, Thootsa, Buitepos, Gobabis, Witvlei, Seeis, Windhoek!
Heading towards Seeis
Peta took this picture as she saw them approach in the distance
Sporks kindly donated by Peta and Nikki from their trekking kits! Spoon at one and fork at other end- I was introduced to a spork by Maps and Magriet on the Annapurna trek and decided that Nikki and I should have one!