This is getting serious. Can you imagine getting up each day and facing the same "pain" as the day before and attacking it with grit! I so admire these two... I know it is only day 4 but still...
Tonight is their first night camping roadside. I know they will be fine but I feel like phoning the mayor of Hanover if there is such a person.
Had brief comms with them last night - we will be getting loads of pictures over the weekend sometime.
On the 20th of November 2011 my nephew and his girlfriend left Grahamstown on an epic bike ride to Windhoek. This ride covered more than 2000 km's, over three countries in 20 days. This is that story. Grahamstown, Bedford, Cradock, Middelburg, Hanover, Phillipstown, Orania, Hopetown, Kimberley, Warrenton, Vryburg, Ganyesa, Bray, Werda, Khakhea, Bulukubalo, Morwametsi, Kang, Thootsa, Buitepos, Gobabis, Witvlei, Seeis, Windhoek!
Heading towards Seeis
Peta took this picture as she saw them approach in the distance
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